We're still filing this away in the rumor folder for now, but we'll be honest -- this is totally believable. GigaOM has it on authority that a bona fide Skype for iPhone client will be launched as early as next week, and with CTIA kicking off on April 1st, we'd say the timing is just about ideal. Of course, we've already seen a variety of alternatives for bringing Skype and other VoIP apps to Apple's darling, but by and large, they've been supremely unimpressive. There's no word on pricing (we're crossing our fingers for free) or any other tasty tidbits, but you can bet we'll be keeping an ear to the ground for more. - Engadget
Now I have been using many Skype applications (iSkoot, Fring, etc) and I can safely say that this would be what I have been waiting for. However I find nothing wrong with Fring for the iPhone. Using the "backgrounder app" (your phone has to be jailbroken) you can easily trick the phone that its on a wifi connection and use the 3G to connect. It takes about a minute or 2 for Fring to refresh the contact list to show your buddies online; but that would have to be the only negative I see. Now, with the possible release of Skype for the iPhone, chances are that if its free you will only be able to use it if you are connected via wifi. I don't think AT&T wants everyone with an iPhone bogging down the network. Which makes no sense to me, because they sell windows mobile phones which Skype is available for download and can be used on their 3G network (Samsung Blackjack II). Lets hope our friends update their app on Cydia to allow Skype to work on the 3G, if not Fring will always be your friend.
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